Monday, 26 September 2011

I have a dream


I hope one day I’ll be there, at the front row or behind the scene, somewhere! Because that’s definitely my world. It’s art in its pure state. But for now I have to be satisfied to see them on websites…thank you to technology!

Everyone has noticed the sobriety of dresses and models, the composure, simplicity, the elegance, key-word of this P/E trends. Despite everybody does anything to appear, to be always in the spotlight, by dressing and doing so overly eye-catching, fashion wants to remind us that simplicity is the secret of elegance , and chic is the real charm, it’s the key to success.

Have personality in interpreting the clothes, here’s what they require to be glamorous. Yes to sobriety, historical quotes, consciousness, fashion in the highest sense. No to circus parades!

There, some of my favourites italian looks of Milan FW.









Monday, 19 September 2011

A Rome celebration of fashion


The 15th of September was a very special night in Rome.

I took two days for me with my friend to have part at the Vogue Fashion Night Out, in Rome for the first time. It was a night full of fashion and shopping. All the shops of the city center were open and they offered cocktails, dj sets and special products in limited edition. And there were baloons, lights, photographers, actors and models. It was like a big party marked by the rhythm of happiness, of youth, of elegance, of the will to live, of the desire to overcome the economic crisis. It was wonderful because everybody was smiling while he was drinking special cocktails in the shops and was watching the showcases. Every shop offered something special.

I bought a limited edition bag at Pennyblack’, a nail polish at Chanel from the limited edition of the blues (it’s sell only in Milan and Rome’s boutiques), something at H&M, a limited edition t-shirt and something in a characteristic italian shop. In a jewellery they also made me a golden tattoo! I made a lot of photos, and it was very funny to walk (too much!!) thought Rome’s streets in this festive atmosphere!

We also had the opportunity of visit “Todo o Nada”, a photographic exhibition by Mario Testino, set up for the Rome’s fashion event of this summer, Altaroma. I definitely loved it. Todo o nada, everything or nothing, the two camps of action of the photographer: fashion and the nude. All, the excesses, and nothing, pure semplicity. There were about fifty photos of models and actress. First, those dressed in the finest haute couture’s clothes, and these gradually falls and the bodies are revealed in their beauty.

I hope that fashion will always go on, because fashion is, first of all, beauty, and beauty is everything in life! We’re beauty, Italy’s beauty, fun and style, the perfect ingredients for a night illuminated by fashion!



Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Between earth and sky: shoes!

 Tonight I have to invite you to read a post on an italian fashion and design blog, “Design With Love”. They asked to some italian fashion blogger some questions about shoes for a survey about italian shoes, as objects of desire, expecially for women. Well, they interviewed also me, so I’d like you to read the post by click to the following link.

Thank you so much and enjoy!

Saturday, 3 September 2011


What I like about fashion in CHANGE. Change means also that what we do today might be wothless tomorrow, but we have to accept that because we are in fashion. There’s nothing safe forever in fashion…fashion is a train that waits for nobody. Get on it, or it’s gone.

Karl Lagerfeld


I think that this is one of the true definitions of fashion. Indeed the roots of the word ‘fashion’, mode (française), mean change, rhythm, the constant rate of change. Be fashion means live our present time, live the change. And change is to be alive, and risk. But change is part of us, of our history since the beginning of time, because if man had not threathened to change, would not have discovered anything, technology does not exist. If a woman, one day, had not put pants on, would never have started the revolution that brought the woman to hold the same roles of men. Fashion goes hand in hand with the history: both, history and fashion go forward with CHANGE.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Let’s shopping

Dal momento che oggi parleremo di italiani, anche il post sarà in italiano!

Parliamo infatti di e-commerce, lo shopping online e del fatto che secondo alcune ricerche i nostri maschetti siano in pole position nelle compere virtuali. Strano, dal momento che essi siano spesso restii a seguirci per i negozi del centro! Eppure, sono tanto legati alla moda quasi quanto noi…ed ecco che scopriamo che sono i più spendaccioni d’Europa per le compere online.

Si tratta per lo più di 35-40enni, che a ogni ora del giorno prendono d’assalto i siti di shopping online in cerca delle migliori offerte, preferibilmente da soli e in ufficio (per evitare i pressanti consigli della propria dolce metà). Ma niente regali per partner e figli, gli acquisti li fanno solo per sé stessi.

Tra i motivi principali c’ è il fatto di sentirsi libero dal giogo dello shopping forzato per le vie del centro, lontano da confusione, code e stress, magari in compagnia di partner fagocitanti. Seguono la convenienza e anche la privacy.

La parola d’ordine nei siti di e-commerce è infatti “affordable luxury”, cioè la qualità e le firme a prezzi accessibili.

Ed effettivamente la convenienza c’è: non è necessario spostarsi nè per boutique nè per outlet, ma comodamente da casa, o dall’ufficio, si può scegliere il capo dei sogni come in un vero negozio, ma senza il fiato sul collo dei commessi, nè la musica a volte troppo assordante dei negozi, ma neanche le file alle casse, l’ansia di doversi sbrigare e chi più ne ha, più ne metta. Personalmente, acquisto volentieri su internet in particolare brand meno noti e più “introvabili” di quelli delle vie del centro, perchè mi piace distinguersi ed essere originale. Allo stesso modo penso anche che l’emozione di entrare in un negozio, toccare con mano ogni abito, ogni stoffa, ogni foggia, sia unica!

E voi che ne pensate dello shopping online?

P.S. le informazioni che vi ho riportato sono prese da una ricerca svolta dall'ufficio stampa di Private Outlet, uno dei più grandi e-commerce italiani.

Friday, 29 April 2011

Paris…en Italie!

I’m sorry for not being here writing for so much long. But I’d like to re-start to talk to the world about fashion. For myself, first of all!

And I’d also like to re-start from me, I wanna try to make my life better, taking more time, more moments for myself, taking care of me, for being happy, for appreciate all the little things of everyday. I hope I’ll do my best for do that, indeed I always say I’ll change in better, but every time it’s hard to realize what I have in mind, obviously! And now, thanks to the Royal love story that came true right today, everyone feels like being in a fairy tale where everything’s perfect, and where the prince charmin is real and marry the princess!

Now, There are some photos of a French fair that is going around Italy with tipical products, that I visited this week in Fermo (a city near mine).


Bon bons141



Monday, 28 February 2011

The way we live

Bloggers are now the most discussed figures in the fashion world because of their influence on people.

Well, now Internet, and so the blogosphere, is the best channel for the trasmission of ideas, infos and views, indeed in this century what matters is immediacy, and then images.  The point is that I don’t believe in fashion bloggers, like the ones that merely post their pictures around the world, and nothing else, and then they’ll be the most beautiful, intelligent and fashion people in the world.

I think that fashion is something else. First of all, it’s history, and then movement, design, architecture, it’s all the arts in one. Fashion is drawing, taking photos, writing, speaking. You can’t be powerful just wearing a dress, but without knowing its history, its past, or its future. Dresses are just the ultimate product of a intricate process.

I’m sorry, but fashion blogger must go down some stairs instead of taking all the credits for something they have chosen in a store or a boutique and that they call fashion. Fashion’s not Chanel or Louis Vuitton. Fashion is the way we live.

You can replicate!
