Saturday 22 January 2011

God save the women

At times, as in these days, I wonder me on our role, on our being to the world, on our being women.

I look back, in our history, and I see hundreds of women that they have fought and they have sacrificed their life in name of the woman, of the equal opportunities between man and woman. They have fought for changing their position of women remained too for a long time in the shade, overpowered by their patriarchal and sexist families, from their duties without rights, from the abuses, from the false beliefs of a mentality bigot that, to justify the animal instincts of the male, the woman assimilated to the demon, instead that to the direct daughter of Maria. But these ancestresses of ours, then, in the XIX century, thanks to the education, they finally wake up by the hypnosis that had possessed them from the beginning of the times. And they have understood that, in how much human beings that are born, grow, they breathe, they live and they die to the peer of the men, they don't have neither more neither less rights than them.

The problem is that today we seem to forget us of all the struggles and the following, innumerable conquests that these women have gotten for us. We continue to it stuffed to treat from minority, but above all we continue to be used as objects, only because we are us to allow it. We are to dress you unstick us to get the promotion from the head, we are who sell us in exchange for money, only and only of money, that the political scandals create, that we allow our men to betray their women with some lovers, because it is known, the man from the lover wants only a thing, and us, as lovers give it. And these scandals would not exist if we were to the level of the men, if we didn't make us treat from beasts, if we didn't sell us to gratify the men. The woman stays an accessory of the man however. If so it was not, the escorts would not exist.

And where are those revolutions of those women? They disappear, they don't exist anymore. We complain about there so much of the men and of their instincts, but we are us to give him rope, and it will be so always if we don't stitch there and the struggles that the suffragettes have begun continue.

We are special beings us, women, and the men must understand it. Because life would not exist without us, sweetness would not exist, neither the love, neither the beauty. All values that support and move the world.
Long life to us!


Amelia Earhart


Gabrielle Chanel

maria_montessori_1 Maria Montessori

Marie_Antoinette Marie Antoinette


Suffragette – Votes for women

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